Sunday, September 8, 2019


It's a new Digital Internet music business world.

AS tempting as an advance offer might be from a Record label, though, it is not free money— advance deals all come with strings attached that could be harmful to your professional career and financial life if you’re not careful and clear-eyed about the process.

 Is it worth it for you to take such an advance from a Record company and give Record labels more money, make them Richer?
The Truth
The truth behind advances is simple — they’re situational and not worth it. 
As alluring as they may seem, and as much of a fix as they might bring to your financial situation, the fix is short-term. Be sure to weigh the need versus the want so you’re not stuck in an even trickier financial situation in the future. Crowd funding for musicians the way to go.
If anything the internet is the digital music business owned by all Singers, Rappers, Composer, Producers, Writers, and Musicians and controlled by the Music Fans. 
Independent musicians, United they stand and Divided they will conquer. Independent musicians movement, independent musicians working as a team to change the business of music, Own what’s yours. YEAR 3000.
ALEXi- Aspiring music co-writer, co-producer & co- composer

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