Thursday, March 29, 2018

Something about me u don't know.

Something about me u don't know.

If a picture is worth a thousand words these are my thousand words.
If i don't believe in me no one will.

   Throughout the years & years and as i continue my music journey I've always and continue to lock myself in the spareroom to write music lyrics and compose music beats. It's an intimate thing for me. This way takes my creativity of coming up with lyrics and music beats to another state of mind. I'm also open to other options as well.

  I've kept my music practices simple with enough equipment gear to be able to create music beats.

     As you can see in the pics i have an arsenal of music ideas boxed up for years & years like bottles of wine kept in a cellar till ready and in my case whether it's fear or not being better prepared i have kept it to myself and am trying to share my music ideas with the World in hopes of a connection to develop them more.

   i have about 10 notebooks with about 1,000 pages worth of music lyric ideas and 61 disks with about 2,000 music beat ideas which eventually i will release one way or another and continue to try and create unique ways of writing lyrics and composing music beats.

    Just like a co pilot supports a pilot when flying a plane i hope to be a co pilot to someone as for creating music beats and writing lyrics kinda like Batman and Robin, Abbott and Costello Jordon and Scottie Pippen.

   i am hoping that one of those music beats or one of those lyrics will connect with the music fans will see. By the way if I don't ask I'll never know.

Hey, DJ Khaled, Timbaland, Pharrell Williams, Jermaine Dupri, Rodney Jerkins, Jay Z, Cardi B, Anyone, wanna brainstorm some music beats wit me, it'll be fun ?

Thank you for your time,
Alexi- Always an Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's a Big deal to me.

It's inspiring to me and a Big deal to me to be responded to in any way by the Great ones. Once again among-st the millions of people on social media.

And it means that I am being noticed. While not all my posts and comments are going to be liked or agreed with, whatever reply I can get is a way to start connecting.

Thanks Timbaland for your response.
Alexi Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer

Friday, March 23, 2018





I may not have a clue or know a lot but I try to keep myself informed about the music business.

This is why the better option would be to be your own BOSS and work as team and enjoy the rewards of hard work equally, Shared fairly among-st the team of independent musicians, Singers, Writers, Composers, Producers, Rappers and whatever you do make on your own, you keep.

Why get a Record label loan which you might have to pay back. A lot of self ways to fund music now a days.


Record companies commonly pay advances to enable artists to concentrate on writing, rehearsing, recording and performing music. Advances are recoup-able against future royalties from sales and streaming, but are not recouped if revenues fail to reach a certain level.

The record label is therefore bearing the risk of the investment in a highly competitive marketplace and the record labels will get there monies one way or another than leaving the musician with, like Tupac Shakur once said trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.

Why not keep the whole dollar.

Than there is the recording contract will usually require the artist to sign to the label exclusively. This means that they can't record for another label without permission, nor can they leave the contract if they're unhappy.

HELLO It’s 2018

The label, however, remains free to sign and promote as many artists as it wishes.

If an artist wants to make a guest appearance on another artist's record, they'll need a 'sideman' provision to cover this. Is that fair game ?

Under most exclusive recording contracts, the artist will assign copyright in the sound recordings to the record company. An assignment is a transfer of ownership for the full life of copyright. In the case of sound recordings this will be 50 years from release. Meaning your out $$$

Before Artists are paid royalties based on record sales and music artist see any money, the artist will have to recoup the recording costs, advances, and usually 50 percent of all video costs. The label will make additional deductions, reducing the real royalty rate still further.

As Aspiring and Professional musicians do you need that Shit ?

Own what’s yours, U DA Boss not the Record labels.

It's 2018 and the Music Business will NEVER be the same. Now the record labels sit in the back seat while the Singers, Rappers, Producers, Writers, Composers and musicians drive the future and the Music FANS got your back.

Thursday, March 22, 2018




Monday, March 19, 2018

IF I were to produce for Wiz Khalifa or Cardi B it would be this

Wiz Khalifa    POSTED:

If we made a song, what would it be about???


When it comes to music, I’m creative like that with music and although I’d prefer original music, if I were to brainstorm music with Wiz Khalifa or Cardi B. a music sample to RAP to it would be this one, James Brown - Get Up Offa That Thing

I would adjust the tempo, mix it up and create some magic, no dought a Hit song, but my ideas remain in my brains till further notice. ....... .

👌😎👌 Alexi- Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer check out song 

Friday, March 16, 2018

WiZ Khalifa

I'm kicking off the weekend wit some

Wiz Khalifa - Work Hard Play Hard 👌😎👌

YO, Wiz, let me know if U ever wana brainstorm some RAP music beats i like to be very creative with music.



Thanks for letting me and the World use your platform 2 create positive changes and
GOOGLE BLOGGING about things that matter to us and speaking our minds.

The whole World is GOOGLE BLOGG Watching.


To all aspiring and professional musicians, Writers, Composers, Producers, Singers, Rappers around the World, there's a new saying that goes;

< UNITED, we musicians will stand,

DIVIDED, we musicians WILL conquer >

The independent musicians movement continues.. Internet POWER.

The internet is the music business owned by all aspiring and professional musicians, Writers, Composers, Producers, Singers, Rappers and controlled by the Music FANS. 👌😎👌

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Reply from Timbaland to Alexi per FACEBOOK

Facebook reply to me, Alexi, in regards to my comments of Timbaland's photo.

From Timbaland- The greatest American record producer, rapper, singer, songwriter and DJ of our times.

Look this may be common for the music artist to reply to their music fans or people they follow or if you're following them but I gotta tell ya considering the Millions and Millions and Millions of people on social media and their comments and responses,

i am happy to have gotten a reply, being an aspiring music Writer, Composer and Producer by one of the greatest producers of our times and all times, Timbaland.

Thank you Sir Timbaland for your reply on Facebook, I appreciate it a lot and it means something, that I am being heard and noticed by the great ones.

WOW this is definitely my motivation to continue my music journey. This one is going in my volt and my Twitter moments. 

Check out photos.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


i Love my newly discovered Following, KEHLANI, like her Tattoos, her look and her music, dope.

Check her out.

Free at last Free at last

Free at last Free at last

The music business has been changed forever with the Internet

Just need to redirect the sources to all the Musicians, Rappers, Singers, Producers, Writers, Composers as Owners knowing the Music FANS will always support the right way of doing things, what's right and what's fair.



Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Music. Express yourself. The internet is your platform.

Music.   Express yourself.  The internet is your platform.

To all the students around the world young and old;

CREATE the change that you want for a better World, 

STAND UP for what you believe in, 

Because the Consequences of your actions will create change.

YOU have the POWER , 

SHOW your POWER of Speech,

YOU are the FUTURE.

Alexi- Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer

Sunday, March 11, 2018

THANK YOU and stay tuned

So this year I will try to put out some of my other music beats I have stored up in hopes of a connection to produce, I will post to all my sites when ready.

Thank you music FANS and all Followers, Googlers, Facebookers, Soundclouders, Myspacers, Twitters and YouTubers,


Alexi Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer
Hip Hop/R&B/Pop influenced. Improvisation music.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Having a good ear for music helps.

Having a good ear for music helps.

In composing Music, being a leader is like being the conductor of a symphony. You don’t have to know how to play all the instruments but you have to know how to get all of them to work together.”

That's how I roll having a good ear for music sounds, Improvising and putting it together. Always continue to work on new beats and sounds and staking my arsenal of music beats . And the Dream goes on.

Alexi Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

No nickel and diming the Independent musician

Every Cents counts, no nickel and diming the Independent musician

To the Independent musician of Today and beyond. What your waiting for?

I see a lot of "Buy my music" at iTunes and Amazon at $1.29 or 99 cents, which is fine but I suggest you include or better yet change and take advantage of other opportunities as well in which you get paid more than that.

Whether you chose Turn core or CD BABY or whoever you want to chose for your music distributor just get paid for your hard work, because your worth it, you work hard for it as a musician, Writer, Composer, Producer, Singer, Rapper and it ain't that hard to set up the accounts.

Hey if an unknown like me could do it, which I chose CD BABY as my music distributor, other starting and professional musicians can.

Check it out I'm at $2.99, try it, it won't hurt to do so. Take advantage of every opportunity you can it's the internet world of music now, Owned by all musicians, Composers, Writers, Producers, Rappers, Singers and controlled by the music FANS and many musicians got more clout and fame than me to make it work. Go for it.

(Remember to work as a team, Own what's yours and remain Independent from record labels but if you decide to align yourself with a record label for whatever reason, it is your right to own the majority)

Alexi- Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer

Saturday, March 3, 2018



After the $80 billion dollar boarder wall is built crimes and other criminal activities will NEVER occur again according to President Trump.

Look forward to keeping track of how many crimes and other criminal activities do occur and will continue to occur once the $80 billion dollar boarder wall is built but we should see zero crimes according to pres Trump.

We will see if the $80 billion dollar boarder wall is indeed 100% criminal prof and if it works we should use the $80 billion dollar boarder wall for some of our neighborhoods after all if we all have to pay for it why not have one in the neighborhood to prevent crimes from EVER happening again because according to Pres Trump the $80 billion dollar boarder wall is the money answer.

One thing is for sure if the economy is in need of funds, money for education, money for schools, money for business,money for road improvements or money for social security look no further than to the $80 billion dollar boarder wall that is where we will all have to go to get money or a loan from, getting a piece of the $80 billion dollar boarder wall to pay for our actual needs, can't wait to stand in line to get money out of the $80 billion dollar boarder wall ATM.

What ever happened to AMERICA 1st real human needs ??

$hare $ucce$$

DJ Khaled

it's probably non of my Bizness but I'll say it anyways since the Internet is the new music Biz owned by all Musicians Rappers Singers Producers Composers an controlled by the Music FANS.

No need 4 record labels in 2018. it's survival of the best.

Hope you spread the LOVE $$ around

Friday, March 2, 2018

Check out frAnch- New Music

It's about helping each other out in the new music biz world which is the internet owned by all Rappers, Singers, Musicians, Composers, Producers, Writers and controlled by the music FANS.

Check out my new follower, frAnch and his new single " SHOW OFF".

Yo man, I'll spread the word on my social media sites 4 YA

Click on Pic to listen to....

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dear Missy Elliott & iggy Azalea

A Music Snippet Demo. Dear Missy Elliott & iggy Azalea,

Check it out. Dare to try different. Anything is possible, Right ??

Thank you for your time

Alexi- Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer

Hip Hop/R&B/ PoP influenced.