Saturday, December 10, 2016

   2 of 3 beat tracks I composed for Missy Elliott & Iggy Azalea to Rap to.

   I understand that my odds are 1 in a million to get Missy Elliott & Iggy Azalea to work with me on my music I composed & produced with them in mind to both Rap to but 1 odd is better than no odds.

   Let me know if interested.

Thank you for you time. DARE TO TRY DIFFERENT.

1 comment:

  1. Alexi FM-Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer.

    MP3 song snippet LIKE YOUR LOVE THERE IS NO OTHER feat. Sheila Moss/ Alexi FM. Continued song snippet and purchase full song at CD BABY

    Song snippet video LIKE YOUR LOVE THERE IS NO OTHER
    at You Tube:

    Also check out MP3 song snippet :

    I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN feat. Sheila Moss/ Alexi FM.

    Check out song snippet I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN
    at You Tube

    Purchase full song at CD BABY

    Priced at $ for good causes. Remember to always buy music directly from the artist own website or business web site, it is the right thing to do. FREE music doesn't help trying to make a living at it.

    Thank you FANS for your time and supporting music and aspiring music writers, composers and producers like myself.

    (Copyright Alexi FM. All rights reserved)
