Friday, December 30, 2016


Have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 to everyone around the WORLD.

Welcome 2017

It use to be the word Record was used in Record label in reference to such but this is now past tense.

 The term used now in the internet music digital era which is the music business owned by all music artists and controlled by the FANS, is Digital Music Label ,for those wanting to own their own Digital music label one day.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

  How do you change the music industry? Challenge the status quo

In the music business, per past history, It is easy to feel comfortable with what once worked and succeeded but change in inevitable and ongoing and change will always continue to occur.

I have a vision of how the music business should be like in this day and age and future when it comes to those wanting to get into the music industry and those already in the music industry and being independent.

As a aspiring music writer, composer, producer and to all other music writers, composers, producers, Singers, Rappers and musicians alike there is no reason in this day and age of the digital era in which any music artist should have to give up more than what they want to give up or better yet, why give up anything, when it comes to music ownership, pay and rights. Why try to make a dollar out of 15 cents when you can keep the whole dollar.

In the process of creating music now a days, everyone gets paid for their contribution but the music artist or principals ( singers, writers, composers, producers) are in the drivers seat.

There is the misconception of seeing professional singers making millions, owning expensive things but the reality of it is that the music industry has changed from the past and what once was no longer is the same when it comes to making a living in this musical digital era.

The music artist of today has a better chance of making a living off of music in itself than in the past due to the music digital era we now live in. And as the digital music era continues to develop, it's about individual terms and individual ownership of doing music as a business in this day and age.

It is a whole different ball game when it comes to trying to make a living in this future of the music business. It is a lot easier to make a living now then it was then as a musician believe it or not. There is more individual control now, when it comes to music that was not available in the past.

So for those already in the music business or thinking about getting into the music business, it is a new digital world of music, the internet is the music business now owned by all musicians and controlled by the Fans.

No business or entity can dictate how the music business/ industry should work like, the people, the music artist, singers, writers, composers, producers with the support of the Fans are in the drivers seat, that's were the strength of change is.

Think independent. Be independent. Challenge the status quo.

Note to Fans of music please support the American dream to be free and independent by purchasing music you like directly from the music artist own web site or business web site. The decisions you make today affect the future.

thank you.

As for me, I am at the bottom of the totem pole trying to make a difference. I have approached my music as for being an independent aspiring music writer, composer, producer by conducting my business affairs with CD BABY. For those music artist who have their direct own music business web site, more power to you, make it work. The goal is to be as independent as one can be.

Alexi FM- Aspiring music Writer, Composer, Producer.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Live for Today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. 

Every second, Every minute, Every day, Every month and Every year to live and breath that is given to us, is a gift of life and should be lived to the fullest, because one thing that is not guaranteed is when our time is up but that our time will be up.

Today I lived the best that I could have.

Alexi FM- Aspiring music writer, composer, producer

Friday, December 23, 2016

The one thing we can all share as a gift to one another this Christmas weekend, is LOVE.

It's Free.

Give it. Share it. Show it.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer

Monday, December 19, 2016

Success in LIFE & MUSIC business means sacrifices, a million NO's and 1 person who is willing to believe in you, YOURSELF.

I imagine success. I believe.

Alexi FM

When it comes to LIFE and MUSIC the risk to explore uncharted waters will never be greater than the possibilities it may offer.

Alexi FM