Tuesday, September 22, 2015

 From: PANDORA Internet Radio

My first internet rejection of my song “I can’t wait to see you again” feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM by PANDORA Internet Radio since I began my internet journey, July 2015.

   I understand that there will still be many more set backs but I must continue forward and in the end the FANS will be the true judge of my music. So don’t look for my song on PANDORA. Instead go to:

RE: PANDORA internet Radio

The Following are the original email's that PANDORA internet radio sent me regarding passing on my song " I can't wait to see you again" Feat. Sheila Moss and Alexi FM which is OK if PANDORA would let the FANS/PUBLIC/THE PEOPLE vote on my song and not their staff/ curators only.

     My response to Pandora Internet Radio and actual email from Pandora Internet Radio to me, Alexi FM reads as follows;

To: Pandora internet radio:           From: Alexi FM
 I am disappointed at PANDORA internet radio for not allowing the PEOPLE/FANS to judge/vote on my song "I can't wait to see you again" feat Sheila Moss and Alexi FM instead PANDORA internet radio spoke for, voted for and judged my song on behalf of the people/FANS.

    People/FANS should be given the opportunity to make their own decisions, choices to Vote on their own, especially in this day in age and more so via the internet. Those days of music only being judged by the record companies are gone.

 Remember these are the people/FANS that listen to PANDORA Internet Radio.

    So, PANDORA Internet Radio, how about letting the PEOPLE/FANS vote on my song instead of the PANDORA Curators/staff only?

   The PEOPLE/FANS should have a right to vote, FREEDOM, don't you think, PANDORA ?  

It's the 21st century. Wake up and hear the Music   ; )

If you like my song " I can't wait to see you again" feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM feel free to purchase full song at


* Oh, and thank you very much RADIO AIRPLAY & JANGO for playing my song via the internet. That's the way to do it.

Life is GOOD, Alexi FM

Actual Email page: 

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