Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My YOU TUBE  music snippet video "I can't wait to see you again" feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM, got Tweeted/ stamped by TWITTER  "POPULAR NOW"

 This is just another small step towards achieving my goals as a music internet Writer & Composer. 

 Thanks a million, FANS. 

Also,Thank you Mariah Carey for following me on SOUND CLOUD.
  Check out Mariah Carey's ” #1 to infinity” album.

Also,Thank you Amel Larrieux for following me on TWITTER.  
Check out Album “Ice Cream Everyday” by Amel Larrieux

Thank you  yahooooo!  Check out photo's.    

Alexi FM


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

 From: PANDORA Internet Radio

My first internet rejection of my song “I can’t wait to see you again” feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM by PANDORA Internet Radio since I began my internet journey, July 2015.

   I understand that there will still be many more set backs but I must continue forward and in the end the FANS will be the true judge of my music. So don’t look for my song on PANDORA. Instead go to:

RE: PANDORA internet Radio

The Following are the original email's that PANDORA internet radio sent me regarding passing on my song " I can't wait to see you again" Feat. Sheila Moss and Alexi FM which is OK if PANDORA would let the FANS/PUBLIC/THE PEOPLE vote on my song and not their staff/ curators only.

     My response to Pandora Internet Radio and actual email from Pandora Internet Radio to me, Alexi FM reads as follows;

To: Pandora internet radio:           From: Alexi FM
 I am disappointed at PANDORA internet radio for not allowing the PEOPLE/FANS to judge/vote on my song "I can't wait to see you again" feat Sheila Moss and Alexi FM instead PANDORA internet radio spoke for, voted for and judged my song on behalf of the people/FANS.

    People/FANS should be given the opportunity to make their own decisions, choices to Vote on their own, especially in this day in age and more so via the internet. Those days of music only being judged by the record companies are gone.

 Remember these are the people/FANS that listen to PANDORA Internet Radio.

    So, PANDORA Internet Radio, how about letting the PEOPLE/FANS vote on my song instead of the PANDORA Curators/staff only?

   The PEOPLE/FANS should have a right to vote, FREEDOM, don't you think, PANDORA ?  

It's the 21st century. Wake up and hear the Music   ; )

If you like my song " I can't wait to see you again" feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM feel free to purchase full song at


* Oh, and thank you very much RADIO AIRPLAY & JANGO for playing my song via the internet. That's the way to do it.

Life is GOOD, Alexi FM

Actual Email page: 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

                         Enjoy Song Snippet of  "I can't wait to see you again"

                                             Feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM
     My music is dedicated to all those in Love, far apart from each other and to all Military/Army personnel who dedicate their lives to all of us and are far away from their significant other. Purchase, download and share this track with your significant other- Love.

   I would like to be able to make a living as an internet musician (Writer/ Producer) and write, compose and produce music for a female singer. 

   I would like to use the proceeds of my earnings, in part, to donate to Cancer Research, Music Projects and School funds, Education.

    If you like song "I can't wait to see you again" Feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM
  purchase full song at:  CD BABY Priced at $ for good causes. 

Thank you for your time, Alexi FM


 (Copy Right Alexi FM. All rights reserved)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"We decided to pass on your song idea at this time", That was then, this is Now........

By Alexi FM ·
   Being rejected by many record companies was hard but if at first you don't succeed try again. I continue to pursue music, writing and composing. I am always in the process of learning more about writing and composing music and I know that my song ideas have potential. I look forward to presenting original music in a different way as far as sounds, structure and writing songs. I also look forward to being mentored by other professionals and working with other professionals to improve upon my skills.
     I do have knowledge of the basic structure of a song; Bars, Verse 1, Pre chorus,Chorus, Music break, Verse 2, per Chorus, Chorus, Ending. (Read full bio for other information about me)
    The music industry has changed tremendously, WOW, I feel that now we aspiring musicians (Writers/Composers) are in the drivers seat. I hope to be one of many to show the music industry that we aspiring musicians can create our own business and be successful at it without the big guys. Now through the internet world the fans will be the judge of my music. Nothing wrong with being or working with a record company, but it is nice to be in total control of ones music and business and I hope that the FANS send a very loud, clear message that we aspiring musicians will be supported via the internet world by the FANS. 
     Music is not about competition to see who is the best, Music is about choices if you like my song
 " I can't wait to see you again" feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM then purchase at: 

   The only competition I see in the music business and Music internet world is trying to be heard.
(Hey Pharrell Williams, can you give me a hand I got about 80 +/- song ideas but no female singer, maybe we can do something together for Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey, Beyonce and Alicia Keys : )---wishful thinking...........

*MP3 song single " I can't wait to see you again" Purchase full song at:


Peace to all. Life is Good.

Remember support music and musicians by purchasing music. When you purchase my songs I am able to continue to do music as an independent artist and help out with other good causes.

Below, letters from record companies passing on my song submissions, That was then, This is Now, The FANS are the judge of my music now....

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy Labor day (9-7-15) to all, especially to the United States of America Armed forces all over the World.
                 Thank you for your services,