Friday, June 29, 2018

Independent Musicians Movement

A Music business note:

As for the Music Business of today which has been for some time, Independent and will continue to address the Independent musicians movement and the Independent Musician, the term that needs to be used is Digital Label not Record Label.

Record Labels and the word Records are like dinosaurs, gone, extinct. We need to go to the next level of business now, Digital, so please stop using the term Record.

All those in the Music business, Aspiring and Professional musicians need to remember that this is the Digital Music Era and the Music Business has forever changed. So in having ones own music label , the proper term to use would be, Digital Music Label .

Example; SoSo Def Digital Music Label, Bad Boy Digital Music Label, get the point.

There is no way around the Facts that the internet is the Music Business owned by all Rappers, Singers, Composer, Producers, Musicians and controlled by the Music FANS. Either you get connected on the internet or get disconnected.

As independent musicians, the independent musicians movement continues to take 100 % ownership of the Music business by working as a Team and supporting one another via the Internet, there is really no need or room for Record Labels to be involved or to get Record Label Loans unless they are willing to give up more than what they have or have made from Music income of the past and trying to do so now. The Record labels made their Millions already, it's a whole new Game.

Who would have thought in our lifetime that Musicians would now be in the drivers seat while the so called Record labels wait to see the new way of doing business in the Music business established by the Independent Musicians and Independent musicians movement.

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