Friday, January 8, 2016

 *Note to all musicians, writers, composers, producers, copyright owners, singers.

Movie previews, song snippets and video music snippets, Hummmmmm??
The Movie industry is and has always been successful in only showing movie clips/ previews to get us to see the whole movie and it works. Maybe we should use the same approach when releasing a single song using a song and video music snippet only. The effect movie previews has in making a decision to watch a movie or not would result in the same for Song and video music snippet for single releases to be bought or not if this became the status quo instead of releasing the whole song.

My approach with song snippets and video music snippets is the same as Movie clips/previews, you preview movie and go to the movie theater to see movie if you like the previews, it's not like you are presented with the whole movie to watch first and then decide. Same approach I take with my single song MP3 releases at this time, you preview song snippet, video song snippet and if you like what you hear you buy full song.

 As for streaming for free and artist not being paid properly, well I think that song and music video snippets help control streaming to a certain extent when only releasing a single song. It's about replacing old habits with new ones, after all it's hard to stream a full song, if it's a snippet, unless you buy full song.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer @ CD BABY

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