Tuesday, January 5, 2016


     FAN awareness and note to all musicians, aspiring and veteran musicians, music writers, composers, producers,singers, copyright owners, publishers, Old school and new school musicians: To all Musicians, 2016 is here. Are you ready for more changes with the music business in which WE and FANS continue to be in control? The Power of the Internet.

     New years resolution. Lets continue to make music INDEPENDENT using the power of the internet. We are in control, we the musicians, aspiring musicians, music writers, composers, producers, singers, copyright owners, publishers.

There is nothing that the record companies and streaming services can do that we can't do via the internet on our own. Always remember the Record companies and the Streaming services DO NOT need the money, they have plenty thanks to the music that was actually created by us musicians.

The business of music and how music is shared, released, handled and price it is sold at is no longer the responsibility of the record labels or streaming services, the business of music has shifted to the hands of the musician. Musicians now have the final say and the total control in regards to the composed music. Internet power.

The internet is the music business now owned by musicians, aspiring musicians, music writers, composers, producers, singers, copyright owners, publishers and controlled by the FANS.

It really is that simple.You listen to a song you like, you go to the artist direct business link or owned business link and you purchase song. This helps current and future musicians and for them to continue writing and composing original music for the world and getting paid directly by the FANS. It is the right thing to do, purchasing directly from artist business link or owned link in order for original music and the real creators of music to survive.

If you like my song you can purchase at business link, CD BABY. Thank you for your time.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer

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