Saturday, January 30, 2016

COMING FEB.14, 2016 New MP3 Release
Song: " Like your Love there is no Other"

Other MP3 song now available on CD BABY: 
"I can't wait to see you again" feat. Sheila Moss / Alexi FM

       THANK YOU for your support, Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer  
                     (Copyright Alexi FM. All rights reserved)

Saturday, January 23, 2016


 Music streaming services as well as record labels want to pay musicians, aspiring musicians, producers, composers, writers, copyright owners and publishers pennies to the dollar for their music and yet it is because of our music creations that streaming services and record labels can survive, do business and make millions. But musicians (Independent musicians) can't live this way and shouldn't live this way, it's the 21st century. We are in charge of our music.  We create our own music so we should control it and will start doing business our way.  

     There is nothing that the record companies and streaming services are doing that musicians can't do especially now via the internet. Promote, distribute, advertise, songs being heard on radio, on the internet, etc, etc. Musicians can do very well on their own now thanks to the power of the internet today.

  Once there is more continued education, a different mind set of buying music differently on the internet, fans, people and the world will be more aware of how their music purchases, buying music directly from the artist/musicians ( Independent musicians) owned link or business link makes more sense because it affects the musician/artist ( Independent musicians) in a more positive way, fairly and the right decision to purchase music directly from the artist owned link or business link will be the right choice. 
     After all, once all aspiring musicians, all musicians, all producers, all composers, all writers, all publishers and all copyright owners involved, working together as a team are paid directly, more continued quality music can be created with peace of mind knowing that the FANS are the ones supporting music and musicians
( Independent musicians), buying directly from the music artist so the music artist ( Independent musicians) can do music again and again and is being paid fairlyAnd one thing to always remember without us there is no them. 

     And as far as sharing ones own music for other entities (Streaming services/Record labels) to use to make money streaming, being played on the radio or internet or other, well they should have to report to us musicians/copy right owners/publishers for the use of any song and musicians would charge streaming services and record labels at the musicians rate, you know enough for musicians to survive and make a living. Musicians, Singers, copy right owners, publishers, music producers, Independent musicians, composers of music should always have the higher share of what is made thru streaming or for other uses of songs. It's about ownership of what you create.

     The Internet is a powerful way of leveling the playing field between record labels / streaming services VS. the musician, aspiring musician,( Independent musicians) writer, composer, producer, copyright owner, singers and publishers. 

     I wonder if the streaming services people/ record labels people can earn a living being paid 0.03 cents more or less ? Perhaps the streaming services people and record labels people should put themselves in the musicians ( Independent musicians) shoes permanently. 

Note: OH and according to the news edition, quote;

" By now, you've probably heard Adele’s song “Hello.”

I know you've heard it because a mind-boggling 1.11 million people BOUGHT the song, according to Nielsen Music.

Bought, not streamed, BOUGHT. That means “Hello” is, by far, the fastest-selling digital record of all time." (end)
   So there is hope. Just another example of the power of the internet and the freedom the people and the Fans have to make their own choices and in continuing to support musicians, music, writers, composers, favorite artist , favorite song and aspiring musicians because streaming services and record companies don't really need the money or support anymore. It's an Independent music world now and forever to come. Free at last, free at last.

*Note to FANS and people all over the world; 

    Buy directly from the artist  personal link, owned link or business link via the internet and help support musicians ( Independent musicians)  so musicians can continue to produce beautiful music for the world to hear. If you like a song you heard on the Radio or via the Internet find out who the music artist is and go directly to their website, personal link, owned link or business link.

    It's the right thing to do and the money spent on buying that song goes directly to the artist ( Independent musicians) those who actually created the song, those involved and who you support and whose music you like. Remember streaming services and record labels do not need any more money and you have the option to buy music via any streaming services, record labels or better yet directly from the artist, musician, composer, writer, creator, the actual owners.

     Everyone should be paid for what they do and for their contributions. Principles first.  Considering the music artist of today can do the same things streaming services does and Record companies do, why not pay the creators, the root causers directly and the higher percentage deserved.

    There is just a different way of doing music business via the internet now a days in which the music artist, musician, aspiring musician, writer, copy right owner, composer, producer, publisher, singer can get paid directly from the fans, with a click of a button.

    After all, musicians ( Independent musicians) create the music so musicians should get paid directly, it is the new way of doing music business. Your purchase of a song you like is a better investment when you purchase directly from the independent music artist, creators, owners, musicians, principles.

So who do you want to support next time you buy a song ?
The record companies and streaming services getting richer and rich or the musicians, singers, writers, composers, producers, copy-write owners, publishers working as a team trying to make a living supported by the fans alone ?

Thank you for your time, have a good day everyday, Alexi FM

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016

$700, 000? True or False?
     The story of Musician Freedom who went with an independent music distributor to have his music sold. The MP3 song sold for $2.50 download. In 7 months, advertising by himself thru social media and only using snippets of song to advertise and thanks to FANS, sold close to a million down loads. This was done without record labels and no streaming services.

     Independent music distributor took their share $$ and Musician freedom took his share, totaling $700,000 ( after tax). In return musician freedom has been able to make a living doing music and donated some of the revenue to favorite charity. Simple business plan. Living the free American dream. WOW considering he was told that this can't be done and will not work. Imagine that. Being independent makes cents. It's not about the money it's about getting fairly paid for what you do and sharing that success with others less fortunate.

Friday, January 8, 2016

 *Note to all musicians, writers, composers, producers, copyright owners, singers.

Movie previews, song snippets and video music snippets, Hummmmmm??
The Movie industry is and has always been successful in only showing movie clips/ previews to get us to see the whole movie and it works. Maybe we should use the same approach when releasing a single song using a song and video music snippet only. The effect movie previews has in making a decision to watch a movie or not would result in the same for Song and video music snippet for single releases to be bought or not if this became the status quo instead of releasing the whole song.

My approach with song snippets and video music snippets is the same as Movie clips/previews, you preview movie and go to the movie theater to see movie if you like the previews, it's not like you are presented with the whole movie to watch first and then decide. Same approach I take with my single song MP3 releases at this time, you preview song snippet, video song snippet and if you like what you hear you buy full song.

 As for streaming for free and artist not being paid properly, well I think that song and music video snippets help control streaming to a certain extent when only releasing a single song. It's about replacing old habits with new ones, after all it's hard to stream a full song, if it's a snippet, unless you buy full song.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer @ CD BABY

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


     FAN awareness and note to all musicians, aspiring and veteran musicians, music writers, composers, producers,singers, copyright owners, publishers, Old school and new school musicians: To all Musicians, 2016 is here. Are you ready for more changes with the music business in which WE and FANS continue to be in control? The Power of the Internet.

     New years resolution. Lets continue to make music INDEPENDENT using the power of the internet. We are in control, we the musicians, aspiring musicians, music writers, composers, producers, singers, copyright owners, publishers.

There is nothing that the record companies and streaming services can do that we can't do via the internet on our own. Always remember the Record companies and the Streaming services DO NOT need the money, they have plenty thanks to the music that was actually created by us musicians.

The business of music and how music is shared, released, handled and price it is sold at is no longer the responsibility of the record labels or streaming services, the business of music has shifted to the hands of the musician. Musicians now have the final say and the total control in regards to the composed music. Internet power.

The internet is the music business now owned by musicians, aspiring musicians, music writers, composers, producers, singers, copyright owners, publishers and controlled by the FANS.

It really is that simple.You listen to a song you like, you go to the artist direct business link or owned business link and you purchase song. This helps current and future musicians and for them to continue writing and composing original music for the world and getting paid directly by the FANS. It is the right thing to do, purchasing directly from artist business link or owned link in order for original music and the real creators of music to survive.

If you like my song you can purchase at business link, CD BABY. Thank you for your time.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Seattle, WA. 2016 Space Needle New Years Celebration. Check out video.

Alexi FM-Aspiring music writer, composer, producer @ CD BABY