Thursday, November 8, 2018

Promises, Promises ( A MUSIC NOTE )

Promises, Promises ( A MUSIC NOTE )

To all aspiring and professional musicians are you moving forward backwards ?

The same promises that record labels made in the past to all aspiring and professional musicians of having and getting a fair record contract deal which did not happen are the same promises they're trying to make now with the Digital music era and record labels are now trying to make musicians believe in something that record labels don't have much control over anymore, which is the Digital music era in which the independent musicians now own and are working as a team using the internet as their platform to establish a new way of doing music business and owning more of the musicians rights.

At the end of the day, if you believe in the record labels promises nowadays, the biggest beneficiary is going to be the record labels. This does not have to be anymore. If anything record labels are now at the mercy of all Musicians, Singers, Rappers, Producers, Composers.

I got nothing against record labels it's just that they're time has past, it is and has been and will continue to be a new music world, a Digital music world.

The interment is the music business owned by all Singers, Rappers, Composers, Producers, Musicians and controlled by the music Fans.

The internet offers so many opportunities and ways of addressing the independently owned music business, which is owned by all Singers, Rappers, Composers, Producers, Musicians.

When you let go of the past status quo of how record labels used to and continue to do business you will then grow and venture to new possibilities, guaranteed.

Record labels not needed and Record labels do not need the money or more money.

It's going to take a long time to change the mindset in the music business from using the term record labels to using the term Digital music labels/ Digital music, which is a fact that , it's a Digital music world forever changed.

This is the future of the music business.

One promise is for sure, the independent musicians movement, independent musicians working as a team which continues to change the business of music,


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