Saturday, July 28, 2018

A music note:

A music note:
Educating yourself about this new digital music business is important.

Dear Aspiring and Professional Musicians around the World;

If not now then when ??

If not the Aspiring and Professional musicians
( Rappers, Singers, Writers, Composers, Producers ) than who ??

This is such a great opportunity thanks to the internet to change the music business the way it should be, 100% Owned by Musicians and totally controlled by the Music FANS. Musicians 1st, Record labels, if needed, 2nd.

To all Aspiring Music Writers, Composers, Producers, Musicians, Singers, Rappers, Educate yourself about this new digital Music Business World.

To all Professional Music Writers, Composers, Producers, Musicians, Singers, Rappers, Re-Educate yourself about this new digital Music Business World.

In my opinion Record companies have done a lot in the past for Musicians, Writers, Composers, Singers, Rappers and Producers and have made a lot of $, while the reality of making a dollar out of 15 cents is disrespectful to all musicians who work hard for their money.

So, is there a reason why the independent Musicians, Aspiring and Professional of today 2018 and the Future can't be in the drivers seat now ??

The Internet is the new Music business owned by all Rappers, Singers, Composers, Producers, Musicians and controlled by the Music FANS. Independent Musicians working as a team to change the way music business is done via the Internet.

Get on board and join the Independent Musicians movement and learn the new digital way of doing music business. Record labels are really not needed neither are there expensive loans and if they do get involved, it's the Musicians way.
This is a digital music business world now not a Record label world.

I have nothing against Record labels just think that it's a new time, a new once in a life time opportunity to change the business of music, a new era, a digital era of music business that all Rappers, Singers, Composers, Producers, Musicians now own and have the opportunity to benefit from 100% in their favor.
I may not know a lot about the music business but I know what's fair.

Join me in the independent musicians continued movement. Aspiring and Professional musicians working as a team, standing up to the Record labels status quo to make a difference for a better future and how music business is done.

Work together, $ucceed together, it's a new music business digital World.
One person can make a difference and a MILLION can define change.

Create the change that you want. The future is. Expect more. Demand more. Own what's yours.

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