Saturday, January 6, 2018


The Independent Music Business/Musicians Movement continues in 2018:
My opinion.

To clarify as for the music business goes and being an independent musician I am not saying that one person can do it all or one person should do it all after all it is a TEAM effort when Writing, Composing or Producing music in addition to other things that need to be done as well to make a song a success and a career, what I am referring to as for the independent musician movement goes is OWN what's yours, be in control, the Internet gives Musicians this power now.

There is no reason in this day and age of the internet which is the music business owned by all Musicians, Singers, Rappers, Producers, Writers and Composers and controlled by the music FANS why a record label should own more or make more than the Musician.

Why even contract with the record label, the internet is the power of the people. Education about the music business nowadays is key.

Expect more and Demand more as a Musician, Writer, Composer, Producer, Singer and Rapper. The music fans have your back.

Who would've thought that the tables would turn and the Musician, Singer, Rapper, Producer, Composer, Writer would be in the driver's seat,
in control 100 % as opposed to the record labels like was in the past.

The independent music movement is only going to get stronger and stronger as the years go by and 2018 will continue to prove so. The record labels had their time and now it's the independent musician’s time.

The independent musician movement is an experience of a lifetime in which the Musicians, Writers, Composers, Producers, Singers, Rappers of today's music and past continue to forever change the music business in their favor.

My thoughts about the record labels per the past is never understanding why the record labels always had to be in control whether it was releasing music, selecting certain music acts, selecting certain songs or managing 100% of the money aspects. But things have changed for the better.

Note: As for me an aspiring Music Writer, Composer and Producer, I believe in sharing the success equally. I have nothing against record companies/labels, it’s just an Independent Music World now.
And being patient eventually has paid off as for having many opportunities and controlling the outcome of being able to share music with the whole wide world.

The reality for me is that I keep trying and enjoy the process of Writing, Composing and Producing music. It can be a tedious process but the end result is fun.

Much success to all those willing to take a risk and make a difference.
If not now than when ??

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