Saturday, September 16, 2017

LEUKEMIA- Life or Money ?

SPRYCEL - Bristol Myers Squibb Cost to treat LEUKEMIA: $149,762 per U.S. patient per year.
    Recently a family member was diagnosed with Leukemia in the process of treatments the cost of one medication to treat such was astronomically high, WOW.

     Are Drug companies and all those involved really concerned with finding a cure and saving people's lives or is it about making money ??

   Perhaps Bristol Myers Squibb whose name is on the bottle of SPRYCEL pills could explain to the public how it values more it's medications than saving a Child's life.

   I guess Human life, especially children's diagnosed with such health matters like Leukemia don't mean much to Bristol Myers Squibb and Drug companies around the world considering the cost that is passed on to the patient which many will not be able to afford and many if not all medical plans do not cover.

Shame on you Bristol Myers Squibb.   Give the Children a break.

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