Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Social Media-The voice of the people

I pledge allegiance to

Support the content of all good things on Social Media that will help the World be a better place, that makes a difference in people's life's and that creates Justice and Equality for all.

* For better gun control and keeping schools safe for all children.

* To fight Cancer

* For the independent musicians movement.

This is my pledge and my social media support signature;


Where's your Social Media signature, What do you support ??

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The new in Jeans, Torn.

How come no one told me that this is the New style in jeans ?

Torn jeans, is what's happening now, what's new, what's in.

Love the new style. Seeing it everywhere here in Seattle.

Lets see your style on.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Religion and God

Let's talk about RELIGION

When addressing this subject matter it is important to respect everyone's religious believes after all there are many Gods to many different type of cultures around the world not just one God which brings me to my subject matter that;

I think that when God existed at some point in time back in the days, just like Gandhi existed and many other good people's who existed and wanted to promote the Good in all , God also wanted to promote and instill peace and all good things and create a positive force in all that heard his word to be set as a foundation for good things which he accomplished.

While I believe in God and that God one day existed back in the ion days before technology and any type of advancements that exist now I think that our God's word was addressed in such a manner back in the days in which nothing could really interfere with the thought process of addressing the Why, the Who, which is why such positive has lasted and will continue to transcend itself forever because it is a good thing unlike now a days, the world we live in, in which we live in a busy minded, technology world in which the word of God is addressed differently and with much interruption but with the same intention for all, peace and all things good.

I don't believe in the so called "After life" and I don't think that God is the reason why we have hurricanes, earthquakes and unexplained things happening caused by nature and that God actually cures the sick, which many seem to believe that these are caused by God.

It's a matter of life in itself and really knowing, which we will never know how it all, life, really began, the root cause, be we do know how all life eventually ends in one way or another.

Many will have their opinions whether expert or based on facts but, really life was not meant to figure it out, but when given the opportunity to be alive and live, just live the best that we can everyday, help one another, create the positive, the good and continue to pass such from one generation to another.

While I am not expert in the word of God or know religion 100% I do believe in what God's message was which was, in my opinion, to create good for all, promote and instill peace and all good things and create a positive force in all, to live with respect and goodness in your heart and treat everyone with dignity and respect.

At the end of the day, a message that is all for peace on earth, about loving one another, about positive things, about respect and the list goes on about good things, is hard to ignore from generation to generation and will always, forever be around because of the positive and good content that still to date holds true from the past and that many of us continue to seek which is all good things.

Wether this is shared in Church, at home or in any other type of settings, I am all for always the positive and all good things related to religious beliefs.

I never understood people, friends who go out, drinking, partying, doing things they shouldn't be doing, cussing, flipping people off and even the professionals doing bad things and than going to church on Sunday, go figure.

On the other hand, why would God want so many bad things happening in his world?

I am sure many have an answer to that just like many have an answer to everything. But think about this since there is good just like there is bad, now you got good preachers, who are rich, like David Oyedepo and Joel Osteen, to name a few.

I didn't know that the word of God was so expensive. AMEN to that.

They, these rich preachers, sure ain't rich in God but in wealth because of God. And they want to make you think that this is not the case, well the bank accounts speak for themselves.

Then you got " Hells Kitchen" that opened in Las Vegas, now what kind of christian would eat in Hells Kitchen ?

This Saturday night episode with Will Ferrell got my attention to say something and this is something I have always thought about for a long time and finally speaking my mind a little on, check it out if you haven't seen it.

Believe in what and who you want to believe in but believe in the Positive and the Good, May everyone have a blessed day, Amen.

YouTube episode

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Good things come to those who wait."

I know that my music ideas Beats/Lyrics are not at the level that it needs 2 be i have been storing my music Beats/ Lyrics for years just like the process of making wine and i know that it's going 2 take team work 2 expose my music ideas to a different level 4 now they're stored and I'll keep repeating to myself:

"Good things come to those who wait."

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Hope everyone around the world is having a great long weekend with family and friends and enjoying presidents day weekend.

As for me, I went to get Tattooed up. Still got room for more.

If you ever in Seattle WA. check out SLAVE TO THE NEEDLE in Wallingford-Seattle, WA. and ask for Eliyah, he does a good job and knows his craft.

Check out photos, sorry, I'll show you my Tattoos one day.

Seattle Seahawks Richard Sherman and The Independent Movement

Per Article SEATTLE SEA-HAWKS-Richard Sherman

" Agent? Seattle Sea-hawks corner-back Richard Sherman doesn't need no sticking agent. Yes, I hate myself for that cliche opening line but it is the truth of the matter, as Sherman heads into the final year of his contract in 2018.

  As the veteran defensive back enters the sweet spot to re-negotiate his deal and find himself a contract extension this off season, he'll do so without the help of an agent.

  The All-Pro corner-back follows in the footsteps of former teammate Russell Okung who also opted to negotiate his deals himself in 2016, when he became an unrestricted free agent with the Sea-hawks."


  Congrats Richard Sherman for following in the foot steps of Russell Okung and taking control by being INDEPENDENT and owning what's yours.

  Much success to you and way to set the example of how things should be nowadays considering this is 2018.

   It ain't no different than the Internet which is the Music Business owned by all Rappers, Singers, Producers, Writers, Composers, Musicians and controlled by the Music FANS.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Updated profile

Finally updated all my social media sites and gave them a touch of paint and a new message.

Thanks for your following, Tweets, Google's Facebooks U Tubes and continued interest about my life in general. We are all different but all have the same in common, LIFE

Check em all out below


My Space

Face Book

Sound Cloud
