Saturday, March 25, 2017

   It's not about how much music equipment U have, how expensive it is, but what U do with what music equipment U have, creating, being creative with what U got.

Alexi FM

For those who think education is expensive, Ignorance is more expensive than education.
Study & Learn.
Medical Care:
For those who think Medical care is expensive, Human Life is more expensive than Medical care.
A life is worth saving.

Monday, March 13, 2017


If you ever in Seattle check out Famous Dave's. Good Food. Was there this weekend. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

So has the internet which is the music business owned by all aspiring and professional Musicians, Writers, Composers, Producer's, Singers, Rappers and controlled by the music FANS paid off yet ?

What are you waiting for.

It pays to be independent as for the business aspects of the music business now a days as it relates to record labels and how business was once done in the past and is still trying to be relied upon.

It's not about the money, its about being able to make a living doing what you love to do and being as independent as possible in the process of the music business part of it, in control, being the boss and in the drivers seat.

Record labels don't need the money and should not be 100% in control of anything now a days.

It's about having ones own digital music label, controlling ones own streaming revenues and making ones own decisions.

Study this new way of music business and it will pay off sooner than later.

If you create it you own it.

It's a Team and shared effort when independents work together for success.

Alexi FM- Aspiring music writer, composer, producer.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Radio, change your status quo.

Record labels may have helped launch many music careers of past and may still be involved but now they have to follow the independent musicians rules.

The Why question is;
Why allow a record contract to own 100% of anything? Why even have a record contract? Why allow streaming pay to be controlled by others?

Radio stations are no exception from this as well. Radio stations need to be addressed too.

It is 2017 should musicians wait longer, till 2030 for independent change? Perhaps a music boycott will make a clear statement.

What is fought for today will have been established by the independent musician for the future of others to better make a real living in music as an independent musician, writer, composer, producer, singer, rapper controlling 100%, being in the drivers seat.

You got Record labels per past practices still gobbling up a good chunk of change $$ from songs from the past due to how contracts were signed then and Record labels are receiving money from Radio stations and not fairly sharing the money with music artists, so why continue with the old status quo.

Radio stations need to change their status quo and start sharing more of the wealth and income made from the independent musicians songs with the independent musician, singers, writers, composers, producers, rappers.

At the end of the day it is because of the independent musician, writer, composer ,producer, singers and rappers who now owns the music business and is controlled by the FANS that the radio stations are able to exist and are successful because of.

So I would suggest for radio stations to share a larger portion of their earnings directly with the independent musician. Where there is a will there is a way. It is an independent music world and musicians, writers, composers, producers, singers and rappers need to take a stand, enough is enough.

As for the other aspects of royalty payments , I understand that when it comes to paying royalties, in part, music writers are mostly the benefited per having written the song.

I don't know how songwriter Max Martin shares the wealth with the music artist he has written a song for in which the music artist does not get paid if they do not contribute to the writing of the song process but the point I am trying to make is that if I was at that level of Max Martin as an aspiring music writer, composer and producer, I would be willing to share 50/50 with the singer/ performer, my copyright, my royalties, my publishing and all my revenues whether the singer wrote nothing.

I would expect the same from the singer/ performer. Team shared success. At the end of the day it is about working as a team and succeeding as a team sharing the success and wealth.

I may never win a Grammy or have a hit song but I can continue to disturb the peace for the good of being an independent musician, writer, composer, producer, singer, rapper in which the music business is indeed owned by all musicians, writers, composers, producers, singers and rappers and controlled by the FANS.

As an independent musician, writer, composer, producer, singer and rapper once you establish the habit and the norm of how the independent musician wants to go about their music being attended to, sold and addressed not much of a choice is left but to follow.

Take a stand make it happen. You will be surprised as to the positive results that will come from such decisions.


You wouldn't and shouldn't give anyone your bank account number to manage your own money why give someone the authority thru a contract to control your independent career and monies ? The only music contract that is valid is you.

Demand more, expect more.

I am just a student of the music business trying to make a small difference where ever I can. I control my music business choices.