Friday, November 27, 2015

 Quote from Martin Luther King 
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"

Alexi FM aspiring music writer, composer, producer.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy THANKSGIVING to all. I am thankful for family and the freedom the internet has given me to be an independent aspiring music writer, composer, producer. What are you grateful for?

Alexi FM aspiring music writer, composer, producer. CD BABY business link:

Friday, November 20, 2015

      $ I agree with Taylor Swift and Adele not wanting to stream their music with streaming services. Streaming services should take this, what Taylor Swift did and Adele is doing, as a warning sign of what will be the new way of doing music business, Writers, Composer's, Producers, Copyright owners, Publishers, Musicians, Music Artist's, FANS, we the music people working together to run the music business the way musicians want to, via the internet, 100 % in control.

     Taylor Swift and Adele have set an important example of the power of the internet and FANS working together for change that benefits the root cause of music ( Creators, composers, singers, writers, producers, copyright owners and publishers, etc.)
Nothing wrong working with a record company or streaming services or is there? But if things can be done on our own, why not. Let's take control now.

     My opinion is " streaming services need to pay up, writers, producers, composers, artists, copyright owners, publishers, musicians, singers, bottom line or not use our music" better yet what are streaming services and record companies doing that we musicians can't do with a click of a button? The time for change is NOW. $

Alexi FM aspiring Writer, Composer, Producer

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Library and Starbucks

Library and Starbucks are my class rooms.

Gotta say, in addition to hanging out at the library, which is where I go to learn, broadened my thoughts for free by reading and working on my social media websites, Starbucks is my next place to hang out and go over my music ideas, internally brainstorm about music ideas, read and just chill out before coming home to write and compose music.

Alexi FM

Music business link: CD BABY

Feat. " I can't wait to see you again" Sheila Moss/ Alexi FM

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                  FREEDOM.  The United States of America.
 Happy Veterans day and Happy Veterans day all week long, to all Veterans, men and women all over the world. To all previous Veterans, current and future.

 Thank you for your continued commitment, bravery, courage and sacrifices. 

This song is dedicated to all those in love, far apart from each other, Military and NON - military,

" i can't wait to see you again " feat. Sheila Moss & Alexi FM

Have a good day, everyday, Alexi FM. 

Check out song snippet at You tube:

Also check out You Tube site:

And Google Plus:


If you like song you can Purchase full song at: Priced at $ for good causes.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I like Adele's new song;   HELLO.

I also like the lyrics to the song, Beautiful, Well done.

Adele - Hello (You Tube Video link below)

Great job Adele

Alexi FM